With the Switchblade, etc I'd argue that it's an Infantry weapon, not Arty.
But so far, Class 1 and 2 UAS will be the purview of the CA, RCN, and SOF, with Class 3 and up with the RCAF.
For we gravel bellies, what class drone would these qualify as? I'm guessing 1 & 2?
Big guns and small drones: The devastating combo Ukraine is using to fight off Russia
The importance of artillery is underscored by international efforts to ship more guns and ammunition to Ukraine, with many NATO members contributing some of the newest and most advanced versions of these weapons.
But experts say Ukrainian forces are going one better by harnessing widely available drone technology to provide real-time surveillance data on Russian targets and fire their heavy weapons with unprecedented accuracy.
“Each drone provides the opportunity to destroy enemy troops,” said Valerii Iakovenko, founder of DroneUA, a Ukrainian tech firm that advises the government on drone use.
Iakovenko said the Ukrainian military was using more than 6,000 drones, largely manufactured in China. Although varying according to model, most of the unmanned aerial vehicles are commercially available multirotor craft typically used in the media, agriculture and engineering sectors. They can operate for up to 30 minutes and as far as 7 kilometers (4.3 miles) into enemy territory.
“This is the first time ever where we see such a level of robotics used during conflict,” Iakovenko said.
The mix of old and new technologies on the battlefield have formed a potent combo, and NATO and its allies are adding to the arsenal.